| Event: | CIGANSKA FANTAZIJA | Performer: | Odjila (Italija) | Date: | Saturday, 4. July 1998 | Time: | 21:30 | Stage: | STAGE AT THE MINORITE CHURCH - Evening programme |
Nikola Diklič - vocal, acoustic guitar Milan Stefanovič - vocal, acoustic guitar Davorka Diklič - vocalThe group Odjila performs traditional russian - gypsy music and also gypsy music from all over the world. It was founded in 1983 and consists of ten members of which three are coming to Maribor. The group Odjila has already performed in all culturally important European towns. It was seen in Slovenia in 1988 in "Cankarjev dom" in "Union" and in "Slovensko Narodno gledališče" during the "Borštnikovo srečanje". The Odjila has stayed in Rome since 1994 when they moved there from Belgrade. They have edited many CDs and audio cassettes. Their music was introduced in Slovenia through the National television and radio.
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