| Event: | MACEK MURI | Performer: | Neca Falk | Date: | Tuesday, 7. July 1998 | Time: | 18:00 | Stage: | STAGE AT THE MINORITE CHURCH - Children programme |
MAČEK MURI - NECA FALKThe name of the singer Neca Falk is very well known among all Slovenian music lovers because she seems like being on stage for all her life. In her teenage years she cooperated with leading rock groups from Maribor. The next few years she spent on festival stages. Important breakthrough in her career was the time she spent in "Slovensko ljudsko gledališče" in Ljubljana, where she performed as an actress in drama "Živite kot svinje". Since then the number of her radio, television and LP records started to grow. In 1977 she edited her first album "Danes" with some remarkable chansons. Her second album "Najjači ostaju" is a large step towards rock, which is definitelly the formula for " Nervozna" where one can find some of the worlds most known songs. Beside that she sang also some children songs: "Zlata ladja", "Maček Muri in muca Maca", "Mačji sejem",... She has gained her biggest success with album "Portreti", where she performs as a singer and the author of the music. Ten songs introduce Neca to us in the way she is - full of life and joy in contact with the nature.
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